[SEAT_MAP map_image=”https://selectyourtickets.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Theresa-Caputo-2017-Map-PP.png” alt=”Event map” url=”ev10.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=K1025&linkID=rgp&shopperContext=&caller=&appCode=&_template=chocolate” on_sale=”Friday, July 28, 2017 at 10:00am”][/SEAT_MAP]
Theresa Caputo, from TLC’s hit show, Long Island Medium.
Theresa Caputo, from TLC’s hit show, Long Island Medium, will be appearing live at Prospera Place on Wednesday, October 25th at 7:30pm . Theresa will share personal stories about her life and explain how her gift works. She will deliver healing messages to audience members and give people comfort knowing that their loved ones who passed are still with them, just in a different way.
“The Experience” brings Theresa face-to-face with her fans, as she lets spirit guide her through the audience. A video display ensures everyone in the venue has an up-close-hands-on experience regardless of seat location. “The experience isn’t about believing in mediums. It’s about witnessing something life-changing” says Theresa Caputo. “It’s like Long Island Medium live, witnessing first-hand spirit communication.”
Disclaimer: Although Theresa will be giving readings to various audience members throughout her show, the purchase of a ticket does not guarantee a reading.